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What is it?
UltimoBooty is a combination of cutting edge technology that when worked in sequence deliver a smoother and more toned bottom.
The UltimoBooty is the ultimate non-surgical treatment for cellulite reduction, muscle toning, contouring and skin tightening. If you are looking to achieve a more toned and smoother bottom then our advanced technology can help you. Loved by celebrities and backed by renowned surgeons, this advanced multi-technology treatment can deliver visible results after just one session.
To achieve the best version of UltimoBooty we recommend a package of 8 sessions using our unique combination of Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing, Cavitation, Radio Frequency Fat Melting, Radio Frequency Vacuum, Radio Frequency Skin Tightening, Shockwave Therapy and EMS Sculpting.
Using these treatments together will breakdown and melt fat, increase lymphatic drainage, and smooth and contour cellulite, resulting in the perfect perky bottom.

Let's talk science.
Fat Freezing treatment relies on the controlled cooling of fat tissue. The simple procedure has vacuum cups placed on the chosen areas of fat and the triglycerides (fat cells) are cooled to between -1 and -7 degrees. These unwanted fat cells are unable to survive at this temperature, they die and are then eliminated naturally through the bodies lymphatic drainage system.
Cavitation uses an ultrasound wave to mechanically disrupt the cell membrane of the fat cell. The ultrasound wave creates a vibration within the fat layer, the fat cells do not have the structural capacity to with stand this vibration and the cell membranes will very quickly break down.
Radio Frequency is then used to melt the fat by using a high frequency electrical current. using Tri polar RF, the depth of the medium and large fat melting heads will affect up to 15mm of subcutaneous fat.
Radio Frequency Vacuum increases the breakdown of cellulite, opens blocked lymphatics and plumps up under-developed or hollow parts of the body. The pocketed fat can be effectively broken down with vacuum pressure.
Shockwave Therapy shrink and suffuse fat cells.
The Shockwave activates the metabolism and rids the body of impurities through your lymphatic drainage system. This treatment increases the blood supply which results in skin tightening and the softening and strengthening of connective tissue resulting in the smoothing of cellulite.
HIFEM - High Intensity Focussed Electro-Magnetic Stimulation Technology is the very latest in Body Sculpting technology and the results are unrivalled for body shaping and muscle toning. The technology contracts the muscle to the equivalent of 20,000 times in a 40 minute treatment. This achieves significantly more results than if you were exercising.
The results..... a smoother and pert bottom.
UltimoBooty Technology
Our UltimoBody treatment is carried our using the renowned 3D UltimatePro technology from 3D Aesthetics and the HyperTone EMS from Winkon Laser.
These advanced technologies that deliver unrivalled and award winning results are desired by men and woman nationwide.
Clever Contours are proud to work alongside this cutting edge technology to help people achieve many body concerns.
One treatment will make a difference but a course of treatments taken once per week over 8 weeks enables you to achieve your body goals.
We recommend a free of charge consultation to discuss your needs and lay out a bespoke plan in order to achieve them in the best way possible.
* Results are permanent but you can replace them with new fat cells if you do not follow a healthy diet.

Cavitation uses an ultrasound wave to mechanically disrupt the cell membrane of the fat cell. The ultrasound wave creates a vibration within the fat layer, the fat cells do not have the structural capacity to with stand this vibration and the cell membranes will very quickly break down.
In layman terms, the technology shakes the "brain" (nucleus) that holds that the fat cell in tact, in order to free it from its home.
These broken cells then release the triglycerides (stored inside the fat cell) into the interstitial space in-between the cells, where they are enzymatically changed into free fatty acid and glycerol.
Water soluble glycerol is absorbed by the circulatory system and used as the energy source. Insoluble free fatty acids are transported to the liver and processed through the Lymphatic drainage system.

Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing
When we eat, our body converts any calories it doesn't need into triglycerides . The triglycerides are stored in our fat cells and if we regularly eat more calories than we burn, particularly empty calories like carbohydrates, sugars and fats, we can find ourselves with triglycerides, commonly known as fat bulges. Luckily approx 25% of these fat cells can now be eliminated in one treatment of Fat Freezing.
The vacuum function in the hand piece pulls the pocket of fat into the head. The plates inside the head freeze the area down to the selected temperature. The hand piece stays on the skin from 30 – 45 mins dependent on the size of the head. The silicone handles offer more comfort for your treatment.Once the treatment has been completed, we then treat the area with a session of Shockwave Therapy. This technology utlises Soundwave to shrink and permeate fat cells. It activates your Metabolism and aids Lymphatic Drainage achieving better results in the overall treatment.
If choosing a course of 8 treatments and depending on your chosen area of treatment, this procedure may be used at your first treatment, followed by the remaining technology over the following 7 weeks.

Radio Frequency
Our skin layers act like resistors to the High Frequency electrical current and depending on their resistance they heat up to varying degrees, much like a light bulb that heats when electricity is passed through.
When the electrons encounter any resistance to their flow, heat is produced. This heat reaches 40 degrees during treatment and at this stage, damage to the tissues will occur.
When subcutaneous fat reaches 40-41° it will start to melt (like butter in a hot pan) the fat cells reduce in size and become flatter. Subsequent treatments will reach deeper into the tissue and have same effect to those cells. This effect will give a smoothing on the skins surface, reducing the appearance of cellulite.
The Radio Frequency Vacuum treatment is then used to guide these melted fat cells to the lymphatic drainage points. The process of vacuum increases the breakdown of cellulite, opens blocked lymphatics and plumps up under-developed or hollow parts of the body.
Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave Therapy uses Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWT) to shrink and suffuse fat cells. The Shockwave activates the metabolism and rids the body of impurities through your lymphatic drainage system.
This treatment increases your blood supply which results in skin tightening and the softening and strengthening of your connective tissue resulting in the smoothing of cellulite.
Shockwaves induce the formation of waves that travel at certain speeds to produce a cavitation effect. This effect creates a pressure force which in turn creates the formation and then the implosion of water bubbles. These release strong micro-flows to encourage the breakdown of hardened fibrous tissue. The fat cells are then damaged and become permeable, and released into the inter-cellular space.
This treatment not only assists in the elimination of fat cells but also the smoothing of cellulite.

HyperTone EMS
Using High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) technology, it induces supra-maximal muscle contractions not achievable through exercise (or voluntary contractions). During normal voluntary muscle contractions, the muscle fibres relax between each nervous stimulus. HyperTone HIFEM generates impulses at such a rapid frequency that it doesn’t allow the same relaxation phase. Supramaximal contractions cause an enhanced adrenaline release, which triggers an intensive lipolysis response in fat cells. When exposed to the supramaximal contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt, responding with a deep remodelling of its inner structure that results in muscle building and fat burning.
When exposed to these strong contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt to these extreme conditions. The muscle starts remodelling its inner structure by multiplication of fibres and their growth. The HIFEM uses a specific range of frequencies that does not allow muscle relaxation between two consecutive stimulations. The muscle is then forced to remain in a contracted state for multiple seconds. When repeatedly exposed to these high load conditions the muscle tissue is stressed and is forced to adapt. Recent studies reported that there was an average of 15%- 16% increase in abdominal muscle thickness in treated patients one to two months after their HlFEM treatment.
Don't just take our word for it.
Check out a selection of our recent UltimoBooty reviews.
I have had 4 treatments of Ultimo booty so far and i can see changes already. I am loving the results and can't wait for the rest of the course to be completed.
I can finally walk to the swimming pool without being self conscious. It has given me a huge confidence boost. I would highly recommend Clever Contours for any treatment, they make you feel a million dollars.
Clever Contours is a beautiful clinic and you feel right at home the minute you are greeted. I am half way through my bottom lift and can already seem a smoother and firmer bottom. I'm very happy with the results as i have been with all my treatments.

Does HIFU really work?Yes! It absolutely works. It is also FDA Approved and has been vigorously tried and tested in order to receive the accreditation. In addition to having FDA approval, we can honestly say that we have never seen results like it from a non invasive procedure. The results speak for themselves. It is particularly good for jowls, nasolablial folds and skin laxity.
What areas can i have treated?Eyes Brow Lower face to include lasonabial folds Jaw Line Neck Decolletage Hands
How long does it take?Anything from 60 minutes to 120 minutes. It depends on what areas you are having treated. A full facelift will take approx 2 hours.
How many treatments will i need?One treatment is enough to have excellent results and most people do not need a further treatment for 12 months. You can have up to 3 treatments to acheive optimum results but this depends on your skin structure and would require a full consultation. It is most common to have the one treatment every 12 months. In some older clients who have never had any facial treatments, there may be the need to have the treatment every 9 months for the first 2 and then continue onto 12 monthly treatments. You will often see a salon or clinic advertising that HIFU will last for 2-3 years. This is extremely unrealistic. In our experience we have found that the treatment realisitcally lasts for around 12-15 months, age and skin dependent. The younger you are, the longer it lasts.
What will i feel during the treatment?You can certainly feel the treatment but it is by no means painful or unbearable. You will feel a small amount of heat and a slight tingling sensation. It is a strange sensation as the treatment is working below the skin and you can feel the ulstrasound activating beneath your skin. All of our clients happily chat through the whole treament.
What happens after the treatment and are there any side effects?Jo will go through all of the potential side effects with you prior to your treatment and answer any questions you have. You will be given an aftercare leaflet to take with you and a contact number to call should you have any questions after your treatment. You may experience a slight redness or flushed sensation to the skin but this will disipate after a few hours. You could experience slight pale bruising (rare) or numbness but again, this will go after a few days. The feeling for the first couple of days is a little like after going to the dentist and you have had your mouth open for a long period. Yes that sounds strange but it is the best way to describe it! After the treatment, we advise the following: Do not expose your skin to the sun or sunbeds for at least 24 hours. No facials for 48 hours Use plenty of moisturiser Drink plenty of water to keep your skin fully hydrated.
When will i see a change?You will see a difference immediately in the tightening of your muscles but the full effects will not be apparent for 12 - 18 weeks. This is the time it takes for the natural collagen in your skin to work its magic. If you have opted for the Full Face and Neck treatment, you return after 12 weeks for a further treatment. This treatment compounds the first treatment and gets the best results. You will generally see a noticbale difference after the second treatment.
What is the downtime after the treatment?None whatsoever. You are even able to have the treatment in your lunch break and head back to work.
Is the treatment suitable for everyone?The treatment is suitable for any age. Anyone experiencing lowered brows, jowls, sagging skin on the neck, lines on the face and chest are all perfect candidates for this treatment. The treatment is also extremely popular with younger people who are trying to achieve jaw definition. There are certain contraindications but the best way to find out is to book a consultation and we will advise if you are suitable.
What is the difference between your 4D HIFU and regular HIFU?Our machine is the latest version of HIFU. Most machines will shoot one line of ultrasound at a time and the practitioner will move the handle along the face to shoot further lines. Our handles are able to shoot up to eleven lines at a time without moving the handle, meaning that is it more precise and has more accuracy at targetting the chosen area. Our machine also has a smaller handle which is specifically for the smaller areas such as eyes and nasolabial folds. Our machine is the only technology to have this handle in the UK.
Do i have to have before and after pictures?Yes. These are purely for our treatment records and will never be shared for marketing unless you give your written permission.
Why are you cheaper/more expensive than other companies?You will find treatments on the market more expensive and cheaper than our treatments. Firstly, anyone offering a full Facelift at £200 is not offering a 4D Treatment with a state of the art machine and it is highly unlikely that they have paid for thorough training (which comes at a cost) You will almost certainly be disappointed with the results and not return. The prices on Harley Street are almost double the price of ours. These clinics are mostly using the same machines as ours (often not as good). However, we do not have the expensive cost of running a clinic on Harley Street so we are able to pass the saving onto the client. The best thing to do is book a consultation and investigate any treatment you are having thoroughly. Ask lots of questions and don't be afraid to ask more! Jo is a specialist in HIFU and leads the field. She has likely carried out more treatments than anyone in the country so you are in very safe hands.